North Carolina

The Coach Club:
Highlands, NC. Lot # 4 Oversized, well
landscaped private lot with 10 X 16 coach house and large patios.
Located inside private gated 9 –Site Park in the city of Highlands.
Restaurants, theater and fine arts are all within walking distance of
the park. At an elevation of 4118’, the average summer temperature is
780. Some of the finest activities to also include
are hiking, golf, tennis and of course, shopping, in a town full of
unique shops.

The Coach Club:
Highlands, NC. Lot # 5 Oversized, well
landscaped private lot with 10 X 16 coach house and large patios.
Located inside private gated 9 –Site Park in the city of Highlands.
Restaurants, theater and fine arts are all within walking distance of
the park. At an elevation of 4118’, the average summer temperature is
780. Some of the finest activities to also include are
hiking, golf, tennis and of course, shopping, in a town full of unique
shops. One of the finest parks in the country, truly. $257,000.